- 2007-09-10 Tianjin Textile Museum Plans to Open to the Public in Airport Processing Zone Next Year
- 2007-09-06 US Cotton Production & Mill Use in Asia Projected
- 2007-09-06 China to Reconsider Anti-Dumping Duty on Russian Chemical Supplier
- 2007-09-05 2007 Apparel Output Set to Fall to Record Low in Taiwan
- 2007-09-05 Top 500 Enterprises 2007 take up 84% of GDP
- 2007-09-04 Cotton Yield to Reach New Heights This Year
- 2007-09-04 Plush Fabric Industry Has Bright Future
- 2007-09-03 China-Russia trade expects to surpass $40 bln this year
- 2007-09-03 EU-China Quotas Fill Rates and Prices
- 2007-09-03 CNTAC Signed MOU with thecounterparts of Germany, France and Swiss
- 2007-08-31 Draft APEC Report Says FTAs Could be Merged to Form Region-Wide Pact
- 2007-08-31 Commission to Examine Impact of China Trade on North Carolina
- 2007-08-30 Taiwan Textile cos in Shishi must Change Biz Strategy
- 2007-08-30 Government to Keep an Eye on Textiles for Eco-Pollution
- 2007-08-29 Hong Kong’s Total Exports and Imports Up 8.6% and 9.8%
- 2007-08-29 Cotton Prices Boosted by Markets’ Rebound
- 2007-08-28 China to become U.S. third largest export market by year end
- 2007-08-28 Heavy investment pours into north China modern service industry
- 2007-08-27 U.S. Cotton Dominates China's July Imports
- 2007-08-27 Chinese Exports in New Safety Scare
- 2007-08-24 Indian Exports of Textiles & Garments - Minister of State forTextiles
- 2007-08-24 Intertextile Show to Begin This Week
- 2007-08-23 NDRC allays price fears
- 2007-08-23 Yarn Shows Some Strength
- 2007-08-22 African Textile Exposition Invites Zhejiang Cos