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US Commerce Secretary Gutierrez Statement on Doha Negotiations

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US Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez issued a statement on the WTO talks in Potsdam, Germany, among the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India.

“The United States helped launch the Doha Development Agenda with the goal of increasing our exports and helping developing countries benefit from the global economy. At key points we have nurtured the talks and put forward unprecedented negotiating offers designed to achieve real market access openings and reform. Such reforms would have spurred global economic growth boosting jobs and opportunities in all our countries. But the development promise of Doha can only be achieved through expanded trade flows.

“Without meaningful progress, particularly by key advanced developing countries, Doha will unfortunately remain in limbo. The United States will not accept a deal which isn’t fair or balanced. I want to thank USTR Ambassador Susan Schwab and USDA Secretary Mike Johanns for their stellar leadership and work. Their commitment to Doha is unparalleled.

“In light of this setback, renewing Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) becomes more critical than ever before. The United States cannot remain competitive if we sit on the sidelines as the rest of the world negotiates bilateral trade agreements. We have pending Free Trade Agreements with Peru, Colombia, Panama and South Korea that will provide significant new market access for U.S. farmers, manufacturers and service providers. We are committed to working with Congress to pass these trade agreements and extend the President’s Trade Promotion Authority so we are not left behind the rest of the world.”